About Allison Prebble
Allison is dedicated to prevention as well as to alleviating conditions. She works well with deep issues, identifying imbalances in the body by monitoring your ability to hold your muscles against light pressure "muscle testing". She checks for the possible causes be they structural, biochemical (e.g. nutritional deficiencies, intolerances), emotional or energetic (e.g. dehydration).
Allison works in Malvern, Broughton Hackett and Bromsgrove (ask for details)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy
Information about Personal Information collected, stored and processed, plus your rights.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is concerned with the personal information about you that your therapist may collect, store, and share.
Personal information your therapist may collect (which is not shared with the Centre or other therapists):
Gender (or preferred identity)
Date of Birth
Relationships & Progeny
Telephone/SMS number (plus permission to send SMS & leave voice message)
Email address
Medical conditions
Prescribed medication
Life style and stress levels
Treatment plan and evaluation
How your therapist may store your personal information?
Storage Methods
Paper: written notes, stored in a locked filing cabinet while not in The Centre for Wellbeing's possession.
Smartphone: they may store your contact details, in case they need to contact you.
Email/SMS/WhatsApp: your email address and correspondence may be stored in your therapist's email account, if this is your preferred method of being contacted. Your telephone number may also be stored in your therapist's SMS or WhatsApp app should you exchange messages this way.
Website: none of your personal information is stored on The Centre for Wellbeing's website. (Other than Testimonials given with your consent.)
Documents held
Contact Sheet
Assessment Record
Brief Session Notes
GDPR Agreement
Contact name & telephone
How your therapist may process/share your personal information?
If your health is in jeopardy (provided they have your consent) your therapist may share your information with your doctor or other health care provider.
Erasing your Information
Your therapist may hold onto your written information for up to seven years past the end of your working together. This is so that your therapist may have a record of your treatment plan and if you return for further treatments your therapist can refer to it. After this time has passed, your therapist will shred the written information, and all electronic information will also be deleted.
Your rights.
You have the following rights
To be informed what information your therapist may hold (i.e. this document).
To see the information your therapist may hold about you (free of charge for the initial request).
To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information.
To withdraw consent to your therapist using your personal information.
To request your personal information be erased (though your therapist can decline whilst the information is needed for them to practice lawfully & competently).