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Sacred Sol Healing Institute®

Hello, my name is Renee Frye. I am a Trauma-Healing Holistic Specialist and the owner and founder of Sacred Sol Healing Institute® and the Deconstructing Trauma™ Program.

We are a peer-run organization that provides mental health resilience support and substance abuse recovery support resources through our Deconstructing Trauma program and Indigenous clearing and trauma healing. Our healing-centered approach meets each person where they are, offering hope, education, and life wellness support.

Based on the eight dimensions of wellness: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual, we offer support in habilitation (building foundational skills) and rehabilitation (regaining lost skills). We assist communities in restructuring positive lifestyles, advocating and educating mindfulness, appropriate daily life skills, healthy habits, and safe, balanced routines.

Our modalities are all holistic and deeply rooted in the simplicity of Native American earth teachings, producing positive, life-changing results. We serve the public, including at-risk, underserved, and marginalized populations. At Sacred Sol Healing Institute®, our trauma-responsive holistic services and programs integrate equity, trauma-informed approaches, recovery, and a commitment to data and evidence. We facilitate well-being, mindfulness, daily resilience, stress reduction, harm reduction, mental wellness, substance abuse recovery, prevention, and trauma resolution.

We have developed the Deconstructing Trauma Program using evidence-based best practices. It is available through our Deconstructing Trauma guidebook, interactive workbooks, and all of our services and programs. The Deconstructing Trauma program teaches a healing-centered life approach, allowing us to safely peel back the layers of trauma that have occurred throughout our lives. By deconstructing our past trauma, we can learn to safely navigate our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Positive social development is the foundation of our self-help and professional curriculum; this process teaches behaviors, perspectives, and attitudes, resulting in long-term positive changes in relationships and interactions with oneself, peers, and family. As we learn to release negative and unhealthy behaviors that have manifested from our trauma, we are able to reprogram positive mindsets and healthy behaviors. Our program has a significant impact on the release of trauma, chaos, pain, and negativity.

We have all been through some form of trauma—generational, historical, secondary, vicarious, and lived traumatic experiences—that affect our daily lives until we are able to resolve and process them. By creating health, wellness, resilience, and balance in all areas of our lives, we have the opportunity to reduce trauma, toxic stress, sadness, depressive states, low energy, anxiousness, panic, ACEs, substance abuse, addiction, mental health challenges, compassion fatigue, burnout, absenteeism, and more. We believe in a healing-centered approach and holistic care, focusing on the whole person; in this way, we become our own best resource. We all need healthy life-support skills. There is hope; we are not alone.

Mission: Resolve barriers to access by providing trauma-responsive resources worldwide Values: SACRED: Sustain, Appreciate, Care, Respect, Encourage, Daily Goal: Build self-efficacy, acceptance, and love through holistic healing and wellness Vision: Heal Ourselves, Heal The World®

To learn more, visit us at

Our resources are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat.


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  • 501 Main St, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, USA